How KS made the successful move from Paraplanner to Financial Advisor

How KS made the successful move from Paraplanner to Financial Advisor

Made the right move – this case study highlights how Premier Jobs UK helped KS move achieve the next step in her career

Before choosing to join your current IFA firm, what led you to start looking for a new position?

At the time, I was working as a Paraplanner which I really enjoyed but wanted to make the move to become a Financial Adviser. My previous company were reluctant to move me into an advising position and in the end split my role between paraplanning and financial advising; whilst this was a positive move, the more I advised, the more I wanted to stop paraplanning and look after clients.

How was your recruitment experience when looking for your current job?

I’ve never really had much luck with using recruiters, especially when you have a criteria and unfortunately, the recruiter wants to pass any job possible to you. This wasn’t the case with Jason Cane, he understood where I was coming from and matched the possible financial services roles he had for myself based on our conversations. 

What challenges or obstacles did you have to overcome during the process of finding your new role?

Being new to the advising process, I found it extremely hard to put across to a financial services firm how keen and hardworking I was, to get to where I wanted to be and completely understand the caution when recruiting someone with less experience.

How did Premier Jobs UK assist you?

As explained above, Jason listened to what I wanted and also what drawbacks I was already getting from my current employer. He managed to speak to companies and get across exactly how I was feeling and what I wanted to achieve in the future and I honestly don’t think I could have got my point across to a company without Jason’s first contact.

Jason was extremely supportive in the whole process and continued to contact me to touch base and ensure everything was going well. Also, I was aware of the hard work Alyson Cane puts in behind the scenes to ensure a smooth recruitment experience. This is exactly what you want from a recruiter, somebody who actually cares!

Since starting your new job as a Financial Adviser: 

I really enjoy my job as a Financial Adviser,  and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else now. I have since really settled in to being self employed and advising clients full time. Since joining in 2017, I have been undertaking study towards my Chartered qualifications and currently one final exam away from achieving Chartered Financial Planner status!

Based on your experience, would you recommend Premier Jobs UK – if yes, any particular reasons?

Yes – For all the reasons above!