How to transition your career

The past 12 months has seen entire industries have to adapt and change. One of the many knock on effects, is the security of some roles. Unfortunately, we have seen firms announce widespread redundancies and have to make tough decisions. Regardless of whether individuals have been directly affected by the redundancies, it has led to many people re-evaluating their own jobs and career paths, especially when looking at the number of job losses in the hardest-hit sectors. In this blog, we will be able to help you understand how to transition your career.
Think about why you want to transition
Some individuals may have a clear-cut reason why they want to change their career. Reasons like the previously mentioned changing job security; or maybe the realisation that working from home and spending more time with their family can be the catalysts to changing jobs. A great exercise to undertake, is plan what you want out of your career and wider life; in doing this exercise it could help identify which jobs suit you. Doing your due diligence in these situations is the most important thing as this decision / process could change the rest of your life, not only your career.
Figure out the logistics
The first thing you need to do is check what common entry requirements are needed. A good place to look is in the requirement section of job vacancies online as often they will detail what specific qualifications and experience you will need for these vacancies. There are many great resources online to seek out guidance on this side of things. We here at Premier Jobs UK on the Financial Services market have made videos advising on how to revise and obtain CeMAP to try and aid peoples understanding about how to progress their Financial Services career.
Another key point that many people forget to factor in is the potential and expected drop in salary. If you are transitioning your career into a completely new industry, the likelihood is that you will be starting at an entry-level position which naturally may have a considerably lower salary than your current position. The key things to remember here are the potential career progression on offer and the potential uncapped earning potential, especially in Financial Services roles. This also ties in with our earlier point that your new career/industry may offer you a better work/life balance in the long run. The final bit of advice for figuring out the logistics is to discuss the decision with family and friends, they hopefully will be able to offer advice and support when you are thinking about making the jump.
Make it happen!
After you have done all the research and decided that this is what you want to pursue, the final step is to go out and make it happen! This is the point we have extensively covered and encouraged as a business and we can break it down into 3 steps: 1) Evaluate the current market. 2) Write your CV. 3) Get applying! Reach out to as many people and companies as you can, call companies, reach out to your network and call recruitment firms. The more you put you and your CV out there the better and the more chance you have of getting a successful application!
There may be many reasons you want to transition your career but the most important thing is to take steps toward this to change for the better.
If you have any questions about how to transition do get in contact by using the details below:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0208 0044 154
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